Sarah L Routman
2 Day Certified Leader Training
  • Date : Mar. 01, 2025 to Dec. 31, 2025
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2 Day Certified Leader Training

When you can't do LAUGHTER YOGA LEADER TRAINING in-person, consider doing it via ZOOM.

During COVID we didn't have a choice. With all we learned during that time, there are things that we carry with us that are helpful today. LAUGHTER, of course, is one of those things - we always have it with us, and what a difference it makes!

IF you are interested in becoming a Laughter Yoga Leader, but don't live close enough to any of the available in-person trainings, consider joining this Laughter Yoga Leader Training via Zoom.

This is an interactive, immersive experience.

• What’s Included?

o   Theory —the history, concept, philosophy, health benefits and techniques of Laughter Yoga

o   Practice – there will FUN homework to get you started feeling comfortable with the information, presenting it and practicing it yourself.


Learning Laughter Yoga in a group, you’ll enjoy the energy and camaraderie of others in a safe, fun, and empowering environment.

o    This will be a 20-hour training with hands-on experience where you will have the opportunity to practice what you have learned in real-life situations.

DATES and TIMES will be determined by those who express interest in taking advantage of this on-line training opportunity and will then be posted. Zoom calls can be set up during the day, evenings, or weekends, as participants desire, and will be spread out over several weeks.

Leader Certification will be earned at the conclusion of the training and will enable you to lead Laughter Yoga sessions on your own. You must attend the entire training to earn the certification. The certificate will be presented from Madan Kataria’s Laughter Yoga University.

Contact me to explore the best dates for a Zoom training that works for you. 

I am also willing to explore traveling to where you live to hold a training there. Typically, I require a minimum of 6 people to create a training.) Each training is limited to the first 12 people to sign up, so don’t wait - reserve your spot today!

In-person trainings will be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota. See separate listings for current trainings or contact me to set something up: