Eleonora Zuleta Patiño, Venezuela: Laughter Yoga came to me in response to my request to serve the world. I wanted to deliver something from me to others. Starting a Laughter Club and sharing unconditional laughter and joy was my answer. In the process, I rediscovered and began to believe in myself. I started sharing my laughter and smiles with everyone. This remarkable change which I experienced also spread to my mother and thanks to ha ha ho ho ho I once again became a little girl and learnt to enjoy life as it is: beautiful, simple and cheerful.
Being a part of Laughter Yoga has been the most beautiful phase of my life. I have laughed with hundreds of people and shared the magic with all the participants in my Laughter Club. The magic is always the same. It’s great to see how practicing Laughter Yoga changes people’s faces as they are able to laugh for no reason. As a teacher, I have formed a small group of leaders, but all have fallen in love with laughter for no reason, and have learnt the art of deep breathing and giving thanks.
I keep finding myself re-growing each day, in each laugh. When I decided I would make my Laughter Club, I had thousands of ideas on what to call it. But ultimately, “Laughing is Living” clicked, and I knew this is what I wanted – because when you laugh, you live.