Nili Dor HaElla, Israel: My brother David and my sister-in-law recently died in a plane crash in the USA. After hearing the news of the accident my mother who is suffering with cancer had another setback. She developed a serious condition of pneumonia and septicemia and had to be rushed to hospital where she stayed for 3 weeks. My father flew alone to the USA for the funeral while I stayed home to look after my ailing mother.
It all happened so suddenly that it was very hard for me to grasp whether it was all true or some nightmare. My body was in a state of shock. I had to remind myself to eat but I didn’t really enjoy the food. I slept in bits and pieces, had nightmares, felt restlessness and my breathing was disturbed. Overall I was sad, depressed and felt helpless.
Deciding to come back after several weeks to lead my laughter club was very difficult. At first I was afraid I would not be able to laugh. I then told myself that I would do my best even though I had to fake it until I make it.
Dr. Kataria, you are so right when you said during one of our trainings “don’t worry if your mind can’t laugh, just bring your body to laughter club and it will know what to do”.
So I did and brought my body and open-heart to the laughter club. I shared with the group what was going on with my life and thanked them for their love and support. That laughter session was the most powerful experience I have ever had in my life.
I found the ability to tap into in inner resources I did not know I had at a time when I felt weak and powerless. My laughter club members were so loving caring and supportive that I still feel lucky to be surrounded by so much loving kindness.
Thank you laughter yoga, and Dr Kataria, thank you laughter club, My life is totally changed.