Laughing is good for the body and afterwards you just feel like you’re on a cloud

Sukumar Satpathy

Sophie Terrasse, Canada: This is about the wonderful Laughter Yoga experience felt by Sarah Lafrenière and her colleagues from the Federal Government of Canada as Sophie Terrasse, a laughter leader led them through a laughter session leaving them feeling stress free and energized. It helped to alleviate all skepticism about the concept and people laughed like never before.

Tired and laughing about it!

Thanks to Sophie Terrasse for the wonderful Laughter Yoga experience! Our Social Club is grateful for the impact it had on participants.

Right before attending her one-hour activity, I was a little skeptic and tired. But with her energy and efficient communication skills, Sophie slowly took control as she explained that Laughter Yoga is about: exercising your ability to let go.

We did a few stretching exercises and group-building chants (nothing religious). Progressively, all were invited to abandon themselves, to let go of stress and worries as we followed Sophie and her funny and quick methods, allowing us to get in touch with our child-like spirit.

Step by step, we built on our physical ability to mimic laughing and eventually it paid out: laughs were becoming real! This type of activity is not only a great stress-reliever but a new way to get in touch with a different part of ourselves, as our colleagues and friends do the same.

Even though we were all acting a bit silly (to wake up the laughs) no one was judged or judgmental… We were all in similar positions; either tired, stressed-out, or simply curious. But one thing was for sure: we were all humans connecting to our inner positive side and with others.

The session ended with a simple and relaxing yoga meditation that brought us back after all the laughing.

Was I skeptic after it was over? No.

It’s true: laughing is good for the body and afterwards you just feel like you’re on a cloud.

It would be wonderful if more people could experience a session like this.

Thanks again Sophie!

Sarah Lafrenière
Information Services Program Officer
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
