Paola Panama: At the physical level, my joint inflammation and pain have reduced considerably allowing me to be active again and helped me to work as an aquatic therapist. The heart rhythm has stabilized, and when I still have episodes of tachycardia, I know how to calm the mind. My lung capacity has increased. According to the pulmonologist who examined me, my lung capacity has increased despite my age, and it is above average.
Psychologically, my mood remains positive throughout the day, and mental energy is very high. It allowed me to break behavior patterns and prejudices and reconnect with my true cheerful and peaceful nature. It reconnected me with my heart, with loving-kindness for myself and those around me, with compassion. It has increased my resilience, patience, and I am a better listener.
Through Laughter Yoga, connected me to an incredible international community of happy and joyful people around the world, people who vibrate peace and love. It is truly magical how we all feel part of the same united and happy human species laughing together.
I found a higher purpose in my heart, which pushes me to commit myself to practise unconditional yogic laughter every day. Also, I want to share this excellent technique for the health and joy of people. I learned to accept my limits and my times with respect for myself. I learned to live “in the flow”, with a smile behind my eyes.