An inspiring story of a young man Jakob written by her mother

Sukumar Satpathy

Tanaz Bamboat, USA: I am running a laughter club in Munster, Indiana. Laughter yoga has not only changed my life but it continues to make a difference to many people who come to my laughter club. Here is an inspiring story of a young man Jakob written by her mother:

Dear Tanaz,

I am writing to thank you for inviting me to your wonderful class! My son Jakob and I had a great time. It was so interesting to watch my son go from scared, nervous to relaxed and happy as your class progressed. He was so relaxed and joyful on the ride home last night. He was even singing and laughing while he took his shower last night. He normally doesn’t do this. You had a very positive impact on my son. Thank you so much.

And I feel so much better myself. I was very relaxed and fell asleep easily last night, slept thru the night, and woke up joyfully. Normally, I want to go back to sleep, but not today. Also, this is kind of personal but… I have been having problems with constipation the last couple of days and today I woke up went to the washroom easily. I’ve been carrying around a lot of anger lately and whenever I do this my bowels get messed up. Laughing hysterically really helped with this, I know this for a fact because I know my body.

And most of all, thank you for devoting your own personal time to helping others. What an unselfish and loving person you are. I almost started crying when you told the class you just want to do as much to help others while you’re here on earth. I’m sure those weren’t your exact words, but I know that’s what you meant. And for turning a personal crisis around (your depression), learning from it and healing yourself, and sharing your story with others. How wonderful!

My family will be attending your World Laughter Day on May 3. It sounds like so much fun. I plan on telling everyone I can if you don’t mind. I think this is just what people need.

Thanks again! You’ll see me and Jakob next month. By the way he is so excited about sharing this with his teacher and principal. I think the kids are too stressed out and Laughter Yoga could help out tremendously!

Have a great day!

