Services Offered
Certified Leader Training
Trained By:Aneesha Manuela Rossi
Address:Montescudo, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Phone:39 333 2482428
My Profile
Expert in professional communication, I have experienced that every communication is behavior and every behavior is communication even in my almost twenty years path of personal and spiritual growth with Deepti Canfora (www.deepticanfora.com).
Laughter Yoga and its systemic quality for well-being will be combined with my meditative experience with the Active Meditations of Osho Rajneesh and Deepti Canfora and their transformative power and sessions of DeepStretching Canfora Method.
Short resume - After having had experiences of active meditations of Osho and participated in growth groups in the Osho Miasto Institute, almost twenty years ago he began a profound work of personal and spiritual growth with Deepti Canfora and, In 2012 he obtained the Master Premier Niveau in Metaphysical Dance Dance Therapy at the Universite Europeenne Jean Monnet AISBL in Brussels, method created by Deepti Canfora and sessions of Deep Stretching Canfora method. She is Counselor in Metaphysical Dance Psychodance Therapy, Facilitator and Advanced Mindfulness Professional Teacher Training - AMPT and practitioner in NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming. She is an active communication teacher in the Master of Metaphysical Dance, now Bachelor Degree Counseling in Metaphysical Dance Psychodance Therapy with the Popular University of Milan and President of the Association Deepti Canfora aps.