Prison inmates along with prison guard take part in Laughter Yoga inside the Mandaluyong city jail in Manila. These laughter exercises have been introduced to prisoners as an addition to their rehabilitation program. Regular practice of Laughter Yoga helps prisoners to release all their negative feelings, stress and anguish. The session was introduced by Paolo Martin Trinidad, Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher.
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Prisoners in Mandaluyong city jail in Manila enjoy a laughter session as part of their rehabilitation program. Laughter Yoga with prisoners has proved to be very effective as it helps release their stress and negative emotions.
As part of their rehabilitation program, prisoners in Mandaluyong jail in Manila crack up doing laughter exercises and lighten up after the session. It helps them to cope with their circumstances and provides a cathartic release to their negative emotions.
Prison inmates enjoy a Laughter Yoga session inside the Mandaluyong city jail in Manila. Laughter exercises have been introduced as part of their rehabilitation program as it helps to let go negative feelings, stress and trauma of being in isolation and away from family.
Prisoners in Mandaluyong jail in Manila benefit from doing Laughter Yoga exercises as part of their rehabilitation program. Laughter Yoga is the best stress buster and helps the inmates to release their anger and resentment providing instant calm and relaxation.
See more photos here - http://www.daylife.com/search/photos/1/grid?q=laughter+yoga" target="_blank">http://www.daylife.com/search/photos/1/grid?q=laughter+yoga