Trina Chamberlain, laughter professional and recreation coordinator at Pineview Terrace Lodge, a special care home in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan Canada, has introduced Laughter Yoga for the staff and residents of the care center. The results are amazing as the residents; especially the seniors have shown a remarkable improvement in their attitude and physical wellbeing. Since it began, Chamberlain said she's seen the residents with more energy and heard them comment about getting better sleep.
The participants enjoy the laughter session and the playful Laughter Yoga exercises as it helps to relieve stress and generate a positive outlook to cope with life in a better manner.
Report by Angela Hill - The Prince Albert Daily Herald
Click here for full article: http://www.paherald.sk.ca/News/Local/2010-09-16/article-1759895/Laughter-is-good-medicine-at-local-care-homes/1" target="_blank">http://www.paherald.sk.ca/News/Local/2010-09-16/article-1759895/Laughter-is-good-medicine-at-local-care-homes/1