Laughter Yoga for Great Abs!


It has been proven that just 10 minutes of Laughter Yoga provides the same physical benefits as jogging for 30 minutes on a treadmill! So why go through tedious exercises when you can laugh and have great abs! Watch this interesting video, where Zac Vinten, a laughter professional conducts a session in Perth and leaves his participants feeling energised, relaxed and happy.

Laughter Yoga is an ideal workout for complete body – mind fitness. Similar to any aerobic exercise, it provides an internal massage which boosts the circulation and increases the good chemicals in the body like dopamine, oxytocin, endorphins and serotonin, plus it’s a safe 45-minute ab workout.

This concept is based on the belief that fake laughter provides the same physiological and psychological benefits as real laughter and gives the same benefits as if you were actually laughing at the funniest thing or smiling at the happiest thing.

The session is a success as members sing and dance with each other and connect through eye contact and laughter. Laughter Yoga is for everyone and Mr Vinten is helping to bring more laughter into the lives of people.

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