Here are two useful articles which reveal how Laughter Yoga has come to play an important role in alleviating some of the stress factors arising in serious disorders like Parkinson and cancer. It is seen that laughter practice helps to boost the immune system as well as provides a positive mental attitude to deal with the constant anxiety and depression associated with these diseases.
Among the variety of alternative approaches explored Laughter Yoga is one of the most beneficial in the treatment of the whole body. Scientific studies have proved that quickly increases the immunoglobulin levels that help fight infection and increases the number of Natural Killer Cells (NK cells) in the blood (NK cells play a key role in cancer prevention). In fact, cancer patients find it very easy to laugh with Laughter Yoga and it provides a laughter delivery system that does not require medical clowns, joke books, funny videos or a sense of humor. It is widely accepted that laughter speeds healing and improves mental outlook in patients.
For more click the following sources:
http://www.laughteryogaamerica.com/read/news/news-road-recovery-parkinsons-disease-includes-laugher-yoga-1898.php" target="_blank">http://www.laughteryogaamerica.com/read/news/news-road-recovery-parkinsons-disease-includes-laugher-yoga-1898.php
http://www.laughteryogaamerica.com/services/laughter-yoga-cancer-694.php" target="_blank">http://www.laughteryogaamerica.com/services/laughter-yoga-cancer-694.php