Dr. Madan Kataria, Bangalore, India: Today , 26th September 2012, i was walking down from my house to come to the office at 8:45 AM and on the way, I stopped by Vidya Prakash High School. I met the Principal and proposed to do Laughter Yoga session with school children.The principal agreed for one session just to see how it goes. When she asked me when can i do the sesssion? I said - Can we do it NOW? She was surpised and was not expecting such a quick response. She ordered the staff to assemble 40 children from 1st Standard and the children were between the ages of 3 - 5 Yrs.
Principal introduced me and told the children that Dr. Kataria is going to make you laugh. I didn't speak a word about What is Laughter Yoga?, straight away started four steps of Laughter Yoga, starting with clapping, breathing and very good, very good, yeah.... And they loved laughing with me for about 15 mins. Children from other classes got curious and came out to watch what's going on. At the end of the session, the principal said, When will you come back for other students?. When i came to office the news about the Laughter Session had already spread around the locality and a little child infront of my office gate asked me, when you will come next time to our school.
Normally, when I do Laughter Yoga sessions with grownups, I need to explain them Why should they Laugh for No Reason ?, But today no one asked me in the school and they just did it. Ha ha ha... Very Good, Very Good, Yeah..... Have a look at these photos and the video.