Venue : Online
Address : Alberta, Alberta, Canada
Email : heartylaughtercanada@gmail.com
Contact : Patti
Club Images
Hearty Laughter Club
By joining this meeting you agree to No New Pain, and that you have the option to consult a physician before starting laughter as an exercise. You acknowledge that you will not hold Hearty Laughter Canada or it's facilitators responsible for any type of injury that may result from your participation in this scheduled activity. Participate at your comfort level. Your entrance is your signature.
Date & Time Thursday's starting Feb 20, 2025 7-7:45 pm MT
This is a time to laugh and reap the benefits of laughter. Better sleep, better mood, pain relief and more! A time to make laughter connections and be apart of a laughter community.
Patti has been an LY leader since 2012 and an LY teacher since 2014. With 2 leader trainings(2012, 2014) and 3 laughter trainings (2013, 2014 and 2025) she has much to offer in establishing laughter in one's life.
Patti has facilitated Laughter Circles at staff developments, Wellness Days, Conferences and parties.
If you are comfortable with introducing one laughter exercise please contact Patti at heartylaughtercanada@gmail.com before the meet up and introduce the laughter exercise in the email.
There is potential of a LIVE laughter Group once a month and perhaps with a potluck. L
aughter session will be on with or without another person. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha The reason this club exists is to give laughter, and be laughter, reaping the benefits of a healthy decision to join Hearty Laughter Canada on Thursday evenings from 7pm to 7:45 pm MT. Live Laughter!!
Date & Time Thursday's starting Feb 20, 2025 7-7:45 pm MT