Venue : https://www.funkybuddhayoga.love/schedule
Address : Estero, Florida, United States
Email : hello@funkybuddhayoga.love
Contact : None
Sunshine Laughter Club with Funky Buddha and Funny Puppy Doc
Dr. Laura and Nicole are laughter yogis joining forces and co-hosting monthly themed virtual laughter yoga sessions!
It's FREE! Open to all participants seeking to let loose, shake off stress, and laugh for health and positivity. It's easy to learn and the fun is contagious! Positive effects can be felt immediately. Laughter Yoga is not based on comedy but on our willingness to laugh unconditionally for no reason but to have a grand 'ol time!
Dr. Laura Laxton, aka the Funny Puppy Doc, is a Veterinarian & Certified Laughter Yoga Leader serving up pet humor & advice while sharing mindfulness & smiles with medical teams and beyond.
Nicole Pontelandolfo, aka Funky Buddha Yoga, is a traveling yoga instructor focusing on Yoga in Nature who is also a Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher eager to bring joy and smiles near and far.
Still unsure and wondering what to expect? Read on.
A 30-minute classical laughter yoga session combining the following:
CLAPPING AND CHANTING to channel our inner child
BREATHING TECHNIQUES to channel our inner calm
LAUGHTER EXERCISES to leave us feeling joyful and refreshed
The session ends with 1 minute of laughter for World Peace plus a mini grounding meditation.
Warning: a rando dance party for no reason will happen!!!
Experience Laughter Yoga and bring more health and happiness to your life.
Our vibrant crew gathers monthly.
The first Sunday of each month. 10:00 AM EST (New York/Canada)
Sign up in advance to receive the Zoom Meeting Information.
See ya there, sunshines!