Sara Kay
Sara Kay
Online Laughter Club
Club Images

Monthly Bollywood Laughter Yoga Dance

Laughter Yoga online on Zoom - 7pm UK GMT/BST - occasionally this is a different time

Monthly Online Bollywood Laughter Yoga Dance class

Questions: email or WhatsApp 07974778091

for the date of the next class, or go to


Increase your immunity, dissolve stress and many other wellbeing benefits

Increase positivity, immunity, resilience, improved brain function, plus many more benefits.

You will feel the difference within minutes - see the colourful image below for just some of the benefits.

What you'll be doing - Bollywood Dancing with Laughter Sounds, laughing on purpose, deep breathing,

and joyful activities. Video on preferred.

( if you're not in the UK)


Contraindications as per cardio exercise - please listen to your body, seek medical advice if feel unwell.